Diagnostic Characterization of High Power Lithium-Ion Batteries for Use in Hybrid Electric Vehicles September 30, 2016 By wpengine
In situ anomalous small angle X-ray scattering and absorption on an operating rechargeable lithium ion battery cell September 30, 2016 By wpengine
Nuclear magnetic resonance and voltammetry studies of carbon monoxide adsorption and oxidation on a carbon-supported platinum fuel cell electrocatalyst August 1, 2016 By wpengine
A 7Li Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Metal-Substituted Lithium Manganese Oxide Spinels August 1, 2016 By wpengine
Electrochemical characteristics of Pt-WO3/C and Pt-TiO2/C electrocatalysts in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell October 23, 2012 By wpengine